Millions of people across the world are suffering from a serious health condition called diabetes. Common diabetes complications include nerve damage and chronic kidney and heart diseases. Nerve damage is the underlying reason that foot complications are common among diabetics. The debilitating foot related issues that affect the quality of life of a diabetic patient are infections, ulcers and even amputations. Studies suggest that foot ulcers are the reason behind 80% of diabetic foot amputations.
Therefore, regular diabetic foot care with help of a podiatrist is essential. A podiatrist is a foot doctor who is well-equipped with the knowledge, skills, and treatment techniques to help patients maintain optimal foot health. These specialists can help manage and prevent the complications of diabetic foot.
Why is foot health crucial for diabetics?
Foot related issues are extremely common among diabetics and studies suggest that over 25% of diabetics are diagnosed with some kind of foot condition. The underlying reason behind the common foot complications in diabetics is nerve damage. As a result, a diabetic faces challenges of reduced circulation, numbness and loss of sensation in the foot region. Their condition makes them vulnerable to foot ulcers, infections and other chronic conditions that sometimes even lead to life-threatening amputations.
Routine consultations with a podiatrist are helpful in preventing and managing the complications of nerve damage. A podiatrist can assess the level of nerve damage that occurred due to uncontrollable blood sugar levels, moreover, these specialists can provide timely diabetic foot ulcer treatmentto prevent severe cases of infections.
Ignoring foot health or delaying diabetic foot care can be fatal. Reduced circulation affects the ability to quickly heal wounds, whereas loss of sensation sometimes transforms minor cuts or nicks into severe infection causing foot ulcers. On the other hand, routine appointments with a podiatrist are beneficial for detecting problems at the onset and getting effective treatment.
What is included in podiatrist-offered diabetic foot care?
As stated above, foot-related complications are common in diabetics. Therefore, routine check-ups by a foot doctor become essential. Below is a list of available podiatry diabetic foot care services:
The devastating effects of poorly managed blood sugar levels can be life-threatening. Though, foot ulcers and lower limb amputations can be avoided with thorough foot examinations and routine visits to a podiatrist. These experts play a crucial role in managing footconditions and preventing the risk of debilitating foot ulcers and other complications.
If you are searching for the best podiatrist tustin ca thenschedule an appointment at the Orange County Foot and Ankle Group. The board certified podiatrists are widely knowledgeablein providing top-notch diabetic foot care. Contact now and schedule an appointment for personalized treatment plans, specialized wound care and for guidance for custom orthotics at OCFA. Their top-level personalized care is available at Tustin as well as Huntington Beach and Fullerton. Further, Medicare and other major health insurances are also accepted at OCFA. So why wait anymore? Connect with the leaders of diabetic foot care and improve the quality of life.