MyWorldGo How to Feel at Home in Assisted Living: 7 Steps

Blog Information

  • Posted By : berwick retirement
  • Posted On : Jun 27, 2023
  • Views : 40
  • Category : General
  • Description : Assisted living facilities give essential care and support to people who need support with everyday exercises.
  • Location : Parksville, BC, Canada


  • However, transitioning to Assisted Living in Parksville, BC can be difficult, as it might feel new and unique in relation to the comforts of home. Fortunately, there are multiple ways of causing assisted living to feel more like home.
    In this article, we'll explore seven basic yet successful strategies to establish a warm and inviting climate that promotes a feeling of familiarity and comfort.
    1. Personalize your space
    Adding an individual touch to your living space can improve things greatly. Bring cherished things, like photos, or most loved books, to decorate your room. Encircling yourself with familiar items will assist with making a feeling of familiarity and cause the space to feel yours genuinely.
    2. Create a cozy corner
    Assign a comfortable corner where you can unwind and relax. A comfortable armchair with soft cushions and a side table for your favourite books or a cup of tea can change any corner into an individual haven. This space will act as a retreat where you can enjoy solitude and peace.
    3. Stay connected with loved ones
    Maintaining connections with friends and family is fundamental for emotional well-being. Utilise technology to remain in touch with friends and family. You can bridge the distance and feel closer to your loved ones, even if they are far away, through video calls and messaging apps.
    4. Engage in community activities
    Participating in community activities within the Assisted Living in Parksville facility can help you feel more connected and involved. Join group outings or hobby clubs to meet residents with similar interests. Building relationships and engaging in social interactions can cultivate a sense of belonging and make assisted living feel like a vibrant community.
    5. Surround yourself with nature
    Bringing elements of nature indoors can infuse your living space with peacefulness and serenity. Consider placing potted plants or fresh flowers in your room to create a soothing atmosphere. The vibrant colours and natural scents will create a sense of harmony and rejuvenation.
    6. Embrace familiar routines
    Establishing familiar routines at Assisted Living in Parksville that can provide a sense of structure and normalcy. Whether it's a morning exercise routine or an evening stroll, integrating familiar activities into your daily schedule can help you maintain a sense of continuity.
    7. Personal care products of choice
    Utilizing individual care items, you love and are familiar with can improve your comfort and well-being. Bring your favourite toiletries, shampoo, or soap to make your daily self-care routine more enjoyable. The fragrances and textures you're accustomed to will evoke a feeling of familiarity and cause you to feel more at home.
    This is for you
    Remember, transitioning to Assisted Living Parksville doesn't mean giving up the feeling of home. With these seven strategies, you can change your new home into a warm and welcoming home that sustains your well-being and happiness.
    Micheal Cowan is the author of this article. To know more about Independent living benefits in Nanaimo please visit our website: