MyWorldGo How Can Male Hypogonadism Be Managed To Restore Virility?

Blog Information

  • Posted By : Elija Miller
  • Posted On : Aug 12, 2023
  • Views : 43
  • Category : General
  • Description : Without going into kind of a reductionist sort of gender essentialism, the concept of hegemonic masculinity informs much practical, on-the-ground work by those who attempt to change men's behaviour with the aim of building gender equity. This includes interventions with individual men.
  • Location : 210 Errol Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


  • Criticism of ugly things some men do and of dominant norms of manhood provokes defensive reactions. It is important to address these, while also highlighting male privileges.

    Testosterone Esters

    Testosterone esters are long-acting versions of the hormone that require fewer injections, usually on an every other day basis. These esters extend the active life of testosterone by improving its solubility in oil, reducing the rate of degradation, and increasing its half-life.

    The goal of most testosterone replacement therapy protocols should be to restore total testosterone levels back to an optimal range, which typically requires the use of several different esters and a precise injection schedule to do so. Your doctor can help you choose the best testosterone replacement therapy cycle for your needs.


    Sustanon is an injection that contains testosterone esters and works to help raise the testosterone levels in men suffering from low testosterone. This hormone is crucial to many male body functions including sperm production, sex drive, achieving and maintaining an erection and the function of the prostate gland.

    It is also often prescribed to female-to-male transsexuals to assist hormonal transition and in the development of secondary sex characteristics. Injections of this drug should be given in a doctor's surgery or clinic to prevent infection at the injection site.

    When administered correctly by a trained healthcare professional, this medicine should not cause any serious side effects. Slight bleeding at the injection site is not uncommon but can be minimised by applying pressure to the area.

    Side Effects

    Sustanon is a combination of esters that your body turns into testosterone. It can help to treat male hypogonadism, which is when your levels of testosterone are low. Testosterone is essential for sperm production, sex drive and getting an erection. It also has functions in the skin, muscles, skeleton and kidneys.

    Testosterone increases protein synthesis in muscle tissue, which helps to build new muscles and improve recovery after workouts. It also enhances the body’s erythropoietin, which stimulates bone marrow to produce red blood cells.

    Long-term use of this medicine can increase the Sustanon side effects of prostate cancer or benign prostatic enlargement. Your doctor will check your blood levels and urine for prostate-specific antigen (PSA) before starting treatment and at regular intervals during the course of therapy.

    Blood Tests

    Testosterone treatment will require regular blood tests to monitor the levels of the hormone in the body. This is to prevent any adverse reactions and also help to provide a safe level of the drug. Your doctor will be able to advise you on when these tests should be carried out.

    In hypogonadal men, Sustanon 250 injection increases plasma concentrations of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone and decreases SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin). It is metabolised to estradiol and androstenedione in the liver and excreted as conjugates. It improves symptoms of low testosterone and decreases cholesterol levels. It is often used by performance athletes in conjunction with anti-estrogen drugs to avoid estrogenic side effects such as gynecomastia and water retention. It also improves muscular endurance and the delivery of oxygen to the muscles, enhancing training sessions.

    Unsuitable Conditions

    Testosterone injections are not suitable for children and adolescents as it can cause early sexual development and limit growth. It is also unsuitable for female-to-male transsexuals as it can alter the body's natural hormone balance. You should not take this medicine if you have prostate cancer, breast cancer or problems passing urine (benign prostatic enlargement). It is also unsuitable for those with heart disease or a history of blood clots. Your doctor will perform tests to ensure you don't have these conditions before starting treatment.