MyWorldGo Exploring the benifit of standing desk

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  • Posted By : sebrina solis
  • Posted On : Nov 10, 2023
  • Views : 77
  • Category : General
  • Description : Electric standing desk elevate your entire workspace, allowing you to work comfortably standing up. These desks can easily accommodate your computer, monitor, lamps, and other desk accessories without the risk of tipping or falling, and your entire work experience will remain exactly the same, you'll just be spending more time stand.


  • If your job requires you to sit at a desk all day, you should consider purchasing a standing desk. Why? Sitting for long periods of time is not healthy. We explore the pros and cons to help you better understand the risks.

    What is a standing desk?

    Electric standing desk elevate your entire workspace, allowing you to work comfortably standing up. These desks can easily accommodate your computer, monitor, lamps, and other desk accessories without the risk of tipping or falling, and your entire work experience will remain exactly the same, you'll just be spending more time stand.

    There are also several different types of standing desks, such as height-adjustable sit-stand desks and adjustable height desk (we'll break down the differences between them below), so you should have no trouble finding an option that suits your style and style need.

    Who Should Use a sit standing desk?

    Tired young man sitting at desk touching back, suffering from back pain.

    Of course, anyone interested in using a adjustable height desk can (and probably should) buy one. However, it is especially recommended for those who spend most of the day sitting at a desk, and those who are often sedentary, especially on or outside of working hours, Monday through Friday.

    Having a standing desk, or even an small standing desk, can make it easier to get more done in your day. Of course, if you're going for a hybrid desk that lets you alternate between sitting and standing, you should do yourself a favor by choosing a top-of-the-line office chair to ensure the health of your spine, back, and neck. You are taken care of when you sit down.

    Pros and cons of height adjustable desk:

    Now that we know that best ergonomic office chair are an option, we need to consider their pros and cons. Of course, while we can discuss these issues and make recommendations in one way or another, ultimately it's up to you (and your needs and budget) to make the final decision. 

    The main benefit of using a standing desk is that it helps reduce the likelihood of serious health problems. Research has linked prolonged sitting to obesity, cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, shoulder pain, back pain, diabetes, premature death, and other health problems. Humans are built to stand upright and walk, and sitting for eight or more hours a day is not good for our bodies; working at a standing desk every day will do wonders for reducing the likelihood of these problems.

    But the benefits don't stop there! A standing gaming desk is also great for helping you burn more calories throughout the day. Even small movements like shifting your weight between your feet, fidgeting, or moving around can burn more calories than if you just sat there. You'll also strengthen (and possibly strengthen) your leg and back muscles, which can also help you develop better posture.

    Standing computer desk can also increase productivity by 45%. Users may also have better heart rates, better energy levels, and a better overall mood than those who just sit.

    Switching from sitting to standing while working at a desk is an easy change. By making this change, you will reap undeniably significant benefits to your physical and mental health and even your overall well-being. Who can say no to that?

    l-shaped standing desk


    Arguably the biggest downside to standing desks is cost. Regular desks tend to only cost around $100 to $200, while standing desk can cost more than double that. Despite the benefits of small standing desk, such high prices can make them difficult to justify if they're beyond your budget.

    Since these tables are often filled with moving mechanical parts, there is always a risk of damage to them. Although the best standing desks have manufacturer's backing

    Even under warranty, if your desk breaks and needs to be sent in for repairs, you could still be without your desk for a few weeks.

    Another worrying downside is that it's not necessarily a good idea to be on your feet all day. Research has found that prolonged standing can lead to another set of health problems, such as clogged arteries, back pain and varicose veins. But that's why sit-stand desks exist.

    Which is best: a sit standing desk, a standing desk, or a standing desk? There are three types of standing desks:

    While l shaped standing desk are certainly an option (and there may be use cases that make them a good choice), they're not the best choice for most people.

    Instead, you should opt for a combination sit-stand desk or adjustable desk. Why? They give you the best of both worlds, allowing you to sit or stand at all times with little interruption to your workflow. Wondering what the difference is between the two? Let's break it down.

    With the Hybrid Sit-Stand Desk, the entire desk surface including laptop, monitor, keyboard, mouse, lamp, coffee mug, speakers, toys and more rises instantly. Sit-stand desks are further divided into two categories: manual and electric. Manual standing desks usually have a crank or similar device that you turn manually to adjust the height, while electric standing desks do this with a motor and a button.

    How much should you spend on an electric standing desk?

    Standing desks can be an extremely expensive investment, with some adding up to over $5,000. Thankfully though, there are plenty of high-quality desks out there that are just as good for a fraction of the price. Manually adjustable desks start at about $250, while electric options start at about $500.

    If you're on a tighter budget, you can also opt for a desk riser. These offer a similar experience and typically cost only $50 to $150.

    For what it's worth, there's no good reason to spend more than $1,000 (or even just $800) for a standing desk. We suggest around $250-$300 for a manual standing desk and around $500-$600 for an all-electric standing desk. At these price points, you still get a lot of extras, as well as a solid warranty, which is all you really need.

    What are the best standing desk accessories?

    Of course, you can choose to keep things simple and just stand at a standing desk. Or, you can round out your setup with some helpful accessories to make using your desk even more enjoyable.

    We recommend anti-fatigue mats to prevent your feet from hurting while standing. Designed to relieve pressure on your feet and legs, these pads can even eliminate cramps and massage your feet. Likewise, you can also use a balance board. A balance board can help you shift your weight while standing, whether by spinning, rocking, twisting, rocking, wobbling, or otherwise fidgeting.

    Likewise, if you need a quick break but don't want to struggle to lower it, you can sit on a standing desk stool. These are a great way to give your feet a 15-minute break or relax over lunch.

    Final Thoughts

    With multiple scientific studies showing that sitting all day is dangerous (even if you do have a fancy ergonomic chair), a standing desk can help mitigate many of the potential health threats posed by a sedentary lifestyle. By staying alert, you can also boost your mood and energy levels.

    Of course, these desks are pretty expensive, especially for an all-electric model. Plus, with all their moving parts, they're more prone to failure than a good old fashioned desk. Standing all day can take the same toll on your body.

    That said, the benefits of standing gaming desk far outweigh any disadvantages, especially for those who struggle to stay awake and active throughout the day. Therefore, we recommend opting for a sit-stand desk, whether it is a manual or automatic model. These allow you to alternate between sitting and standing as needed, and make it easier to move around and stay fit while you work.

    More Functions of Standing Desk?

    For set up at the cornver and save space, you can also have extra functions,that is L shaped standing desk or adjustable desk with drawers.