MyWorldGo Berlengas Island in Portugal

Blog Information

  • Posted By : Marco Paulo
  • Posted On : Nov 11, 2023
  • Views : 43
  • Category : Travel
  • Description : As a tourist or vacationer when you visit the Berlengas island in Portugal then you will see that it has a glorious history.
  • Location : Portugal


  • The Glorious History of Berlengas Island in Portugal


    The History of Berlengas

    As a tourist or vacationer when you visit the Berlengas island in Portugal then you will see that it has a glorious history. First of all you might know that this island has existed since many centuries and it is a part of the country of Portugal. It is located on the western sea coast near the town of Peninche. Many people came here to live for some time.

    Take for example the British came here and named this spot as The Burlings. Even some Buddhists came here and established some monasteries where those sailors used to come, whose ships got wrecked and sunk during thunder storms in the ocean. The entire landscape of the Berlengas is full of rocks and caves that appear a bit unique. You can take snaps and photos of them as a tourist.

    How to take a tour at Berlengas?

    The Berlengas island in Portugal has many attractions that all of you will appreciate in the long way. You can book an online holiday tour to this place during off season like summer or winter months. In this way you can save money in your wallet.

    When you reach Portugal then you can stay here for at least 5 days to complete your tour. You can stay here at the town of Peninche and on the next day you can come to the Berlengas by ferry boating services. You can see the wonderful islets of the Berlenga island within a time of 3 hours.

    The special features of Fort of São João

    Even when you come to the Fort of São João Baptista at the island of Berlengas then you will see that it is one of the greatest tourist attractions in the long run. If you are a person who is fond of visiting historical monuments then just come to this fortress and see its wonders.

    Now this fort has become a classic hotel where you can have boarding and lodging during night hours. This fort is having more than 10 spacious rooms where tourist can stay. As far as food is concerned then this fort has one common kitchen where food is cooked for all tourists who stay at this fort.