I guess having four older brothers may have something to do with that-more wardrobes to shamelessly dip into. The boxy shapes and heavy fabrics are my preference as the cold Golden Goose Shoes approaches. Gucci has its own ambitious sustainability goals; earlier this summer, it released its first experiment in circularity, Gucci Off the Grid, a line of accessories and streetwear made from recycled and regenerated fibers. True circularity requires "closing the loop" by taking back a product when a customer is done with it and either recycling, upcycling, or reselling it.
But I'm not going to lie: At the beginning of the pandemic, I rolled out of my bed to my computer and back. I lived (quite literally) in pj's and sweatsuits. #EGirls and #EBoys accessorize their sweats and designer tees with Manic Panic dye jobs, and there are plenty of Golden Goose users who cycle through aesthetics by day. I start the work day combing through emails and doing check-ins with my team.
We'd never make each other happy.) An hour and half later, I was back at my apartment, disappointed and with feet not even Quentin Tarantino could love. If you're into the sleeveless sweater trend, I highly recommend going thrifting because there are so many cool ones, like this $4 one I found.
I had a much-needed haircut scheduled this morning (go to Jordi Martinez at Frederic Fekkai in SoHo and thank me later!) and the weather was a beautiful 65 degrees and sunny, so I was excited for a reason to start my day with a long walk. In Golden Goose Sneakers the words of Maya Angelou, "When you know better, you do better." Recent calls for change, including Aurora James 15 Percent Pledge, is challenging us to reevaluate our spending, be better consumers, and support a more diverse range of designers.
Then the pandemic hit a month later, and I was forced into minimalist submission. I left NYC for the midwest with an overnight bag, thinking the pandemic would be over in approximately five days and I could return to the 7 frozen burritos in my freezer that I had purchased "in preparation".