Ok dokie, I'm having difficulty at TDS.
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Ding best
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Dec 25, 2020
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- In terms of armour and weapons in that level I'd recommend something accurate and hard hitting (use a whip and you will just be a waste of space to OSRS gold your group - you'd never hit). Helm of all Neitiznot. Amulet of Fury (or Glory if you can't afford that). Woodcutting Skillcape. Black Dragonhide Body. Torag's Platelegs. Dragon Boots or Climbing Boots (If you need to walk there - make sure these are the 75K ones, they provide a +2 Power Bonus). Fantastic luck, you have got a lot of training to perform.
Minimum is to be 85/85/85 with 70 prayer and 80 magical and maybe a fruitbat. When I place the stats you suggested in zybez's combat ability calc it was 96cb. 115cb is the minimum and many teams would request the 115 to possess chaotics.
Good wepons such as ags or bgs+ claws or sgs or twisted rapir/maul - Agree. Sharks or food with super pots - Rocktails would be best, and in the event that it's possible, extremes/ovls. On scape-xp calc it says it will be about 102 particularly I have stats near this and I am at 106 or 105 I don't really remeber. U need to enter the hp lvl tho and many teams will accept 100+
Torag is better. I said better or sharks u don't have to get stone tails and that is the exact same for superb pots u don't have to have the lvl to make extremes or ovls. Off topic: I'm not wanting to be rude or anything but the person with the article up the article replayed on said the exact same thing as me but u did not replay on him u really should stop this cause the ss vs. Whip topic were shut. And u know what's I am talking about...
Ok dokie, I'm having difficulty at TDS. I went a while ago, and I kinda got ~1-3 kills per excursion. I don't have any chaotic weapons, also I've karils, all 3 emptiness (no deflector, I neglect at conquest), whip, chest, verac's skirt, dragon def, korasi's sword. Can anyone recommend a good set up, or a good manual that deals with my stats/gear?
You do not need a uni to receive 15 kills+ per trip, even at your level. I can tell you now. Anything, usually some kind of teleport due to exactly what I was last doing, but occasionally Archers/Warriors. I use those for 10+ kills per excursion at Old School RuneScape Gold 78 ranged. They are cheap and not as poor as people may make out.