MyWorldGo An Ideal Research Supervisor Has These 4 Qualities

Blog Information

  • Posté par : Oliver Walsh
  • Posté sur : Dec 28, 2020
  • Vues 150
  • Catégorie : Éducation
  • La description : A graduate supervisor is the most important person for a student who is persuading a graduate degree program.


  • The student has to communicate closely with the supervisor to improve the quality of his academic tasks. These tasks may range from short to long assignments such as essays or thesis. An ideal research supervisor may have the following qualities. 

    1: Supportive & Caring Mentor  

    Masters and Ph.D. students prefer those supervisors who are research supportive because:  

    1. They mentor, monitor, and encourage students’ progress throughout their academic journey. 
    2. A supportive and caring supervisor would choose to work in a student’s comfort zone. 
    3. They don’t believe like superiors; instead, they work as mentors and assist whenever and wherever needed.  
    4. Students expect them to provide thesis assistance throughout their research, writing, editing, and proofreading journey. 

    2: Available & Active Communicator 

    Availability is the most significant quality of a supervisor because a vast majority of supervisors are quite busy. Therefore, they should be able to:

    1. Have physical meetings regularly whenever necessary 
    2. Arrange or attend Zoom meetings if not available physically 
    3. Spare a sufficient amount of time for their students 
    4. Be easily approachable anytime and anywhere  
    5. Be contactable via phone, WhatsApp, or email 

    3: Well-Informed Subject Expert 

    The third most significant quality of a supervisor is that he has adequate knowledge about the field of study. 

    1. With adequate knowledge, he can help the student with the research process. 
    2. He can also demonstrate his knowledge by bringing topic research to a broader spectrum. 
    3. Besides, his methodological expertise turns out to be a great help for students. 

    4: Honest Feedback  

    If a supervisor performs his role as a dummy supervisor, he is worthless because students want encouragement as well as criticism. So  

    1. An active supervisor should check the work thoroughly and construct honest feedback. 
    2. His feedback is not supposed to be a mere formality but an honest review for betterment.
    3. Most importantly, the supervisor’s feedback should not be a one-time prompt Instead there should be consistency. 
    Giving an honest and unbiased review is great thesis assistance for students.