ECommerce is rapidly catching up to regular in-person shopping and, in many ways, has far surpassed it. The convenience of online shopping simply can’t be beat. One tricky aspect of online shopping is buying adult-only products. How can businesses make sure that they’re selling their alcohol, tobacco, and other age-restricted products to consumers of the appropriate age?
Age verification software seems to be the best solution for online businesses at this point in time. Legally, age verification protects businesses. It prevents them from selling their goods to underage consumers and it also prevents things like chargeback’s. Overall, it’s a net benefit to consumers as well. It adds another thing that can simply be bought online, quickly and easily. Click here for more information on age verification.
Currently, there are many websites that don’t make a huge effort to require age verification. As good software becomes more widespread, restrictions are likely to tighten and these websites could face penalties if they refuse to evolve with the times. Luckily, effective and efficient software that references public databases to verify age have become easier to implement and more commonplace.
With all that being said, there are a few obstacles to mainstream adoption of age verification software. For one, the software needs to be fast and easy to use. If the software is clunky and messes with user experience, conversions are bound to plummet. The other issue is privacy. Consumers generally want their privacy respected, and giving a website your birth date might seem like a bit of an invasion. However, with the right software and security measures in place, and with websites adhering to information privacy policies, consumers have less to worry about.
In the end, it’s better to be safe than sorry. As age verification becomes required rather than suggested, online businesses would do well to make sure and implement these software’s sooner than later. This way you’re protected from a legal standpoint and you’re serving the right customers consistently.
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