MyWorldGo Mangal Bhat Puja Ujjain

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  • Posted By : Mangal Bhat Puja Ujjain
  • Posted On : Sep 17, 2022
  • Views : 84
  • Category : News
  • Description : Mangal Bhat Puja Ujjain Many difficulties have to be faced due to the presence of Mangal dosha in the horoscope of the person or the bad effect of Mangal. unsuccess, Angerness, loss in property, finance or money, delay in marriage, the stress in married life, etc. are bad effects of Mangal.
  • Location : Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India


  • Mangal Bhat Puja Ujjain Many difficulties have to be faced due to the presence of Mangal dosha in the horoscope of the person or the bad effect of Mangal. unsuccess, Angerness, loss in property, finance or money, delay in marriage, the stress in married life, etc. are bad effects of Mangal. Mangal Bhat Puja Ujjain Mangal dosh also known as Mangalik dosha occurs if Mangal is in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, and 12th house of the horoscope. The person born in such a condition is called Manglik. This position is considered very inauspicious for marriage and human life.