In case you're looking for details on who is doing what

Event Details

  • In case you're looking for details on who is doing what, the Steam page to the reveal notes that:"Worshipers of Fire are besieging the planet's arctic regions, the argons are starting a new invasion of Seeliewood, along with the dwellers of Bathysmal Rise want to flood the deserts with chilly waters."

    Oh, and there is a fourth set out there as well. There are skeletons infused with dark chaos magic who wish to take out the living. Take them out as well. The map above shows precisely where all these creatures on in regards to their plans. Go to them, then stop them at any cost.

    Now, an interesting portion of this TERA event is that these attacks and creatures will only take place during particular times of the day. The episode goes from the 26th through November 1st, however, only during specific 3-hour periods perform the attacks actually happen. Thus, ensure to know the program (it's about

    The latest patch to be implemented into TERA brings two brand-new dungeons into the game, entitled Thaumetal Refinery and the RK-9 Kennel. The Might of this Mechanic patch also brings alterations to the enchantment system, as well as modifications to getting equipment along with the TERA club.
  • 7/9/18 at 1:00 AM -
    11/30/18 at 1:00 AM
  • Where
    Australia Map
  • Category
  • RSVPs
    • 1 attending
    • 0 maybe attending
    • 0 not attending
    • 0 awaiting reply

In case you're looking for details on who is doing what
