WoW SoD Gold From Quests

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  • WoW SoD gold isn’t exactly easy to come by. You can make some Gold by grinding mobs and doing quests, but it’s not very lucrative.

    The best ways to earn WoW SoD gold are by doing the Season of Discovery-specific quests and dungeons, farming professions that sell in-demand materials, and using the auction house.


    A fun and relaxing hobby for many players, fishing is a great way to earn WoW Classic SoD gold. This method requires patience and time, but it can be profitable if done correctly.

    Players can also gain gold from in-game activities, such as quests and dungeons. Other ways to make money include grinding mobs and selling items on the auction house.

    Another popular method is to farm rare mobs that drop valuable items. These can be found in the Wailing Caverns and Thousand Needles. For example, the Thundering Boulderkin can drop a variety of valuable low-level items. These items can be sold in the auction house for a good price. This method is also useful for leveling up secondary professions, such as skinning and mining. click here


    In wow sod gold from quests, players can earn a lot by simply completing the game’s many quests. At level 25, each quest offers a significant amount of gold and experience.

    Alternatively, players can also use their level 25 characters to farm new items from the Season of Discovery’s first phase. These items, such as Dark Iron Ordinance, drop from elite mobs of level 28 in Wetlands.

    Additionally, Sayge at the Darkmoon Faire can offer raid fortunes, which can grant a number of buffs that can help with dungeon grinding and raiding. In addition, the crafting professions of cooking and tailoring can also provide lucrative income opportunities by selling in-demand materials and raid tier gear. Lastly, players can engage in dungeon and raid grinds to obtain in-game treasures.


    Herbalism is one of the most important gathering professions in WoW. It creates potions and flasks which are necessary for raiding, and it also makes glyphs. With the 10.1 patch, herbalism now allows you to refine herbs to higher levels. This increases their value and usability, especially since you can now use herbs to create enchants that increase iLevel by up to a hefty amount.

    Herbalism also allows players to complete various quests that reward gold. For example, completing the Wailing Caverns quest line rewards the player with the Deviate Scale item, which sells for about 15 gold at the auction house. Another good way to make money in the game is by selling items from trash mobs. This is easy enough for any level character and provides a nice passive income.


    With all the new gear available to players, it’s a great idea to skill up your tailoring profession and start selling bags. They’re in high demand and will get more expensive during the SoD phase. You can also make good money by farming dungeon trash mobs such as the Raptor trash mobs in Wailing Caverns and selling their Deviate Scale items.

    Other great ways to farm gold include grinding dungeons, trading BoE items and crafting items that will become more expensive during the SoD phase. Such items are Dark Iron Ordinance from the Dark Iron Dwarf elite mobs, and various potions and flasks that can be sold to other players.


    At lvl 25 the game gives decent amount of gold and you can also make some money from crafting and selling potions. Just collect the ingredients from merchants and craft a few potions and sell them.

    Another great way to earn some extra cash in wow sod is by grinding mobs/chests in Wailing Caverns. They drop Dark Iron Ordinance which can be sold at Auction House. This can be a really good method to make gold, especially when played with a group of friends. If you have any other tips on how to earn gold in wow sod, feel free to share them in the comments section below! Thanks! We hope you enjoyed our article! Have fun playing!
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WoW SoD Gold From Quests

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