How Mobile Degassing Unit works

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    April 5, 2022
    In the Mobile Degassing Unit of aluminum alloy, an inert gas such as nitrogen or argon is blown in, the aluminum liquid is turned over, the impurities are floated, and the hydrogen is greatly dehydrogenated, which can greatly improve the quality of the aluminum alloy.
    With the Mobile Degassing Unit, the bubbles have no dead ends, small and many. Rolling up and down, uniform aluminum liquid temperature, alloy performance is greatly improved, and achieved good economic benefits. The degassing box has a simple structure and does not pollute the aluminum liquid. It has low cost of use, long life and easy maintenance. It is widely used in the casting of automotive aluminum parts.

    How Mobile Degassing Unit works
    The aluminum liquid is stirred by the controlled rotating graphite and the rotor, while the metered inert gas is pressed into the aluminum liquid and dispersed into fine bubbles, and uniformly dispersed in the solution metal, the gas pressure of the bubbles is zero.
    Since the partial pressure of hydrogen in the aluminum liquid is high, the hydrogen in the aluminum liquid continuously diffuses into the bubbles, and at the same time, some non-metallic inclusions in the aluminum liquid are adsorbed on the surface of the bubble, and inertness of useless hydrogen and some non-metallic inclusions adheres. Gas bubbles float up to the surface
    In the Mobile Degassing Unit, these impurities are isolated before burning, and then the degassing is achieved by removing the slag. The degassing principle is also recognized, the efficiency is high, and the production process is not affected. In a short period of time, the purity of the aluminum liquid is increased, the scrap rate is reduced, the production efficiency is improved, the mechanical properties of the casting are improved, and the competitiveness of the product is enhanced, which is not achievable by the conventional degassing method.

    Aluminum Water Mobile Degassing Unit Performance
    The aluminum water degassing tank mainly treats molten aluminum liquid containing a certain amount of hydrogen and other residues (alkali metal, slag inclusion), and is removed after being processed by Mobile Degassing Unit.
    The principle of treatment is the principle of gas flotation. The process gas (inert gas or a mixture of inert gas and chlorine gas) is injected into the melt through the rotor and broken by the rotor into uniformly dispersed microbubbles, and the microbubbles rise to the surface of the melt.
    The following work is completed during the ascending of the microbubbles: hydrogen is adsorbed into the bubbles and excluded;
    1. The alkali metal is eliminated by chemical reaction with chlorine (formation of chloride);
    2. The inclusions are trapped by the bubbles and then rise to the surface of the melt to form dross.

    Mobile Degassing Unit
    High degassing efficiency, multi-stage degassing design, three graphite rotors are used for degassing in the flow cell, and a large amount of convection is formed in the degassing tank, so that small bubbles can be fully diffused in the aluminum liquid. .
    The contact surface of the bubble and the aluminum liquid is increased; at the same time, the degassing box body adopts a sealed design to prevent secondary air pollution from entering the outside air. Greatly improve the degassing efficiency of the equipment.