What are the properties and uses of corundum?

  • Carrie Ge
    October 28, 2020
    Corundum is a mineral known for its extremely high hardness. It is a rock forming mineral found in sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks. It is alumina with chemical formula Al 2O 3 and hexagonal crystal structure. Beautiful transparent crystal can provide a variety of colors, and its high hardness makes it an ideal material for cutting gemstones.

    Uses of Corundum:

    • The extreme hardness of corundum makes it an excellent abrasive. Crushed corundum is processed to get rid of impurities and then screened to produce uniformly sized granules. These granules are used by grinding media for polishing compounds, sandpapers, grinding wheels, and other cutting applications.

    • "Emery boards" are a manicure and nail-care product made by gluing abrasive papers made of emery to a thin piece of cardboard.

    • Ruby and sapphire are gem value corundum; these popular gems have high demand and have been mined all over the world for thousands of years.

    • Drilling a small hole into a tiny piece of corundum allows it to be used as a smooth-running, long-life bearing.

    • Many lasers use synthetic corundum. The first laser was a "ruby laser."

    Metaphysical Properties of Corundum:

    • Promotes insight into the unknown.

    • Increases wisdom and helps make wise choices.

    • It is believed to subdue emotional tumult by relieving tension and releasing anger in a positive manner.

    • Reduces the presence of negative thoughts and enhances intuition.

    • While corundum is not a birthstone in itself (as ruby and sapphire are), corundum has been linked with the zodiac sign Sagittarius.