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Nobody ever visits your citadel except people in the clan

  • October 17, 2021
    A year later, one year later, Clan Citadels don't appear to RuneScape Gold be extremely useful. It is possible to grind them to build an improved building. The building itself isn't that efficient and does not do much. The only real reward is the extra xp that you get doing it, which seems good, but isn't the original point of them. According to my experience, are pretty pointless.

    The keep also houses the Parliament room, as well as most of the large spaces used in the citadel. It is difficult to hear the speaker if you are sitting at the edge of. Gather around, and you might as well be meeting elsewhere. What is the reason your clan doesn't get together for games? Why not have something worth being in that prime space?

    Clan avatars. It is difficult to do, however it could provide you with a variety of benefits. The most effective increase is 6% = 4 minutes in an hour. It's not too much. Battlefields. Although they are a fantastic piece of tech, few people use them. If people want a war then they head to Clan Wars or the Wilderness. Battlefields are too likely to be unbalanced or simply bizarre.

    Add that to the fact that apart the xp boost, a clan citadel does nothing for you in runescape proper. The clan cape features three stars, and the vexillum has fireworks. What is the point? Nobody ever visits your citadel except people in the clan.

    However, I am not a member of a clan that pushes for Buy RS 3 Gold tier 7 despite enjoying the xp casually. Sal's Realm is Sal’s official clan. Clan citadels are what you love, why? Do you like them? Is it possible to like them? I'm hoping for an interesting discussion of the Clan Citadel update that was launched more than a year ago, and was tweaked up to the latest Clan avatars update.