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Buy oxycodone 60 mg online
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WHO(World Health Organization) enlisted oxycodone constituent drugs as an essential... more<!-- wp:heading -->
Buy oxycodone 60 mg online
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WHO(World Health Organization) enlisted oxycodone constituent drugs as an essential remedy for moderate to severe pain relief. Belonging to opioid medicines, oxycodone 60 mg is used as a pain reliever drug. it is main ingredient is oxycodone which is a semi-synthetic opiod. This semi-synthetic opioid is, derived from thebaine, a natural alkaloid extracted from poppy seed resin that is papver somniferum.
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Ingredients of 60mg Oxycodone Pill:
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This drug is of the opioid agonist class. Euphoria, anxiolysis, respiratory depression, and analgesia are some other pharmacological effects of opioid agonists.
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Oxycodone hydrochloride structural formula: C18H21NO4 HCL
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Chemical formula: 4,... less