Because of how simple and convenient they are to use, disposable vapes arebecoming more and more common among vapers. They are manageable to carry ina pocket or pocketbook because... moreBecause of how simple and convenient they are to use, disposable vapes arebecoming more and more common among vapers. They are manageable to carry ina pocket or pocketbook because they are compact and lightweight. But the batterylife of disposable vapes is one of the main issues. In this article, we'll talk about waysto lengthen the battery life of common disposable vapes like the Tugboat evo 4500and Elf Bar and what to expect from their battery life.Understanding the Battery Life of Disposable VapesDisposable vapes' battery life is affected by several variables, including the battery'ssize, the atomizer's capacity, and the e-liquid used. According to usage, disposablevapes often have a lifespan of a few hours to a few days. The Elf bar has a batterycapacity of 550mAh, which can last up to 800-1000 puffs, compared to the Tugboatevo 4500's 450mAh, which can last up to 800 puffs.Tips to Extend the Battery Life of Disposable VapesThe life of a disposable vape's battery can be increased in several ways.... less