A score between 100 to 80 suggests you lead an innocent, sheltered life with limited life experiences. rice purity test score A score of 79 to 60 indicates you’ve had some... moreA score between 100 to 80 suggests you lead an innocent, sheltered life with limited life experiences. rice purity test score A score of 79 to 60 indicates you’ve had some common life experiences that expanded your horizons. Scores of 59 and below signify you’ve experienced a lot in your life, with a wider range of activities and life events under your belt.
The rice purity test score can be taken for amusement to see how you compare to your peers. However, the results provide a limited view into someone’s character or values. A high score does not necessarily mean someone is immature or inexperienced. Rather, it may indicate strong personal values or life circumstances that have limited certain experiences. Similarly, a low score does not define someone’s worth or intelligence. There are many reasons why people gain life experiences at different rates.
The key is not to interpret the scores as an assessment of your self-worth. They represent a very narrow measure of specific life events that... less