The U.S. Centers for DiseaseslotxoControl and Prevention, or CDC, disclosed that. Minority Americans under 21 are most likely to die of COVID-19. Than white American youth of the... moreThe U.S. Centers for DiseaseslotxoControl and Prevention, or CDC, disclosed that. Minority Americans under 21 are most likely to die of COVID-19. Than white American youth of the same age criteriaData gathered from 27 US states between Feb. 21 and July 31 indicated that A total of 121 Americans under the age of 21 have died of COVID-19, 75% of whom are of African descent. Latin American ancestry Native Indians and Alaska Natives combined. Although these minorities make up only 41% of the US population.Considered separately for each group, Latin American adolescents had a 44% coronavirus mortality rate, followed by 29% African American and 14% white American teenagers. The same deaths from COVID-19 as Indigenous Indians and Alaska Native are about 4%.The CDC report found that 75% of people died from COVID-19. Have one or more health disorders, such as asthma, obesity, neurological symptoms Or have developmental disorders Or cardiovascular disease, etc.The researchers also point to social living... less