Generally speaking, high blood pressure falls into two categories: the
BP Optimizer Review kind that may kill you now, and the sort that increases your risk of heart attack or stroke more gradually. The majority of patients with hypertension fall into the second category.
For most people high blood pressure (hypertension) is not immediately dangerous. As high as levels of 180/100 or so it's not likely you'll fall over with a stroke today.Then there are those who walk into my office with a BP of 240/120. I worry about those people. Not uncommonly, I send them to the hospital. However, most who are able to walk into the office have had the condition for some time and are also not at immediate risk, especially if they're feeling fine.
However, just as a hose may burst if the pressure inside it is too high, so may blood vessels in the head or eyes burst if the internal blood pressure is extremely elevated. Some people with very high blood pressure have an underlying cause, such as a malfunctioning kidney, narrowed arteries. (Interestingly, most patients having an acute MI (heart attack) do not have outrageously elevated blood pressure readings.)