I remember when the doctor told me I had diabetes. It was May 16, nineteen
Gluco Neuro Blood Sugar Regulator Review eighty-six. That day I though my life had ended. It started around three thirty in the morning. I woke up to find that my left arm and leg didn't feel right. My first thoughts were that I was having a stroke. After waking up my wife and getting dressed she took me to the hospital. After tell the nurse how I was feeling they started taking tests. Then about one in the afternoon a doctor came in to tell me it wasn't a stroke. He said my sugar level was way to high and I should have more test done.
He said I should see my personal doctor right away. The next morning I had an appointment with my doctor. More blood tests. Then in the late afternoon I got that call. He said, no stroke but you are diabetic. My first words to him were, am I going to die? Like any good doctor he said,"'yes, just like all of will, someday." At this time he told me my sugar level was 295. and we had to get it down So the next day he called and set up an appointment so we could talk. It made me feel much better after talking with him. At first I wasn't on insulin, just had to watch what I ate. After about a month he checked me out again and started me on insulin. Man how I hated those shots. But at least they got my sugar level back to normal I'm sure many people were like me. I didn't know what the symptoms of diabetes were.
My doctor told me I had been a diabetic for years before the symptoms got so bad. Had I known I could have started taking care of my self a lot sooner. Even after finding out that I was a diabetic I still didn't understand it. Then I bought my first computer and discovered what a great tool I now had. I started checking out every web site on diabetes. The information I found helped me understand diabetes a little better. With the help from friends who worked with computers I did learn how to get the information I needed. One of the best ways that I found was on the social networks. Everyone was willing to give me advise. I still use them all the time and get great advise.