A breakthrough comes as a result of stress that has dramatically
Abundance Manifestor Review expanded our capacity. If you are to create regular breakthroughs, then you must have effective and regular periods of recovery and rejuvenation.
I first experienced the negative ramifications of not balancing stress and recovery as a college basketball player. During my career, I was the leading scorer 33% of the time in the 68 games I played. I had ten 20-plus point performances and three 30-plus point performances. However, after several of those breakthrough scoring streaks or performances, I suffered illnesses due to inadequate recovery. I had a sleeping disorder for much of my life and my inadequate recovery system led me to suffer from several bouts of strep throat, mononucleosis, and other illnesses during my athletic career.
I am passionate about creating breakthroughs in my life and in my endeavors with clients. Doing so takes great energy and focus. Thus, I have learned to reserve regular periods for effective recovery and rejuvenation on my calendar so that I can sustain my ability to create regular quarterly breakthroughs for myself and my clients!