However, this positive effect on a man's sexual function works only if
Serexin Review alcohol is consumed in moderation. While, adverse effect on sexual function is observed after one drink too many. When a man takes alcohol in large amounts, his sexual response is reduced. In fact, large amounts of alcohol make sex difficult to impossible.
In case of heavy drinking, men as well as women experience fall in sexual arousal. Men can have difficulty in achieving erections and both men and women may have difficulty experiencing orgasm. Moreover, after a few hours of heavy drinking men may experience dehydration, headache, dizziness, nausea and fatigue.
Another effect of alcohol is that it decreases decision-making capacity. Under the impact of what is termed as 'beer goggles,' (which causes men who are intoxicated to judge others as more attractive than they are), men indulge in unplanned sexual encounters. They have sex with partners they would not otherwise sleep with and engage in riskier behaviors which can contribute to the transmission of STDs.