The starting player drops their first disc into one of the columns and then moves on to the second player. The discs will fall to the bottom of the column, lying on top of the discs that have already been dropped. Players continue to take turns until one player succeeds in placing four of his colored discs in a row, vertically, horizontally or diagonally. That person is the winner!
Strategy to win
connect 4 is a game that is easy to learn but difficult to master. The concept is simple, but when you start playing the game with experienced people, you often find yourself in difficult situations that leave you trapped and defeated. The game requires a balance between offensive and defensive moves, as well as forethought and anticipation of your opponent's moves. By thinking creatively and looking as far into the future as possible, you can increase your chances of winning. Check out our ultimate guide to Win 4 in a Row online, where we provide a variety of strategies to give you the best chance of beating your opponents:
Play the middle columns
Play the corners
Block your opponents
Set up a double win or trap