The T. Rex Game is the flagship game for Google Chrome. And if you're tired of failing, you can absolutely cheat by doing a quick manipulation that will make you invincible!
Originally, Google deployed the
Dino Game on Chrome to keep its users waiting when faced with an Internet outage. Very popular, the game is now accessible at any time. Simply type chrome:dino in the address bar then press the space key. The gameplay is then as simple as pie. Press space key or up arrow to jump and avoid cacti and other pterodactyls. You can also duck with the down arrow.
How to hack Chrome's Dino Game
As you advance, the difficulty increases. Enough to make more than one person angry! Please note that it is entirely possible to “hack” the game to make it less complicated by, for example, changing the jump height. To do this:
- Right-click on the page and then click Inspect to open the developer tools.
- In the Console tab, paste the following code in the area dedicated to this purpose: Runner.instance_.tRex.setJumpVelocity(15)
- Finally press Enter.
You can change the value “(15)” to a higher or lower number to optimize the T-Rex's jump height as you wish. Now let's move on to dinosaur speed.
- To modify it, repeat the previous steps then type this code in the console: Runner.instance_.setSpeed(1000)
- It is possible to change the “(1000)” to a different value to obtain a faster or slower pace.
Now we will reveal to you how to make your dinosaur immortal. This cheat code will allow you to play without ever seeing the “Game Over” screen.
- Repeat the above-mentioned steps to access the Developer Tools console.
- Paste the following code: Runner.prototype.gameOver = function (){}
- Your dino now passes through cacti and pterodactyls without being killed.
- To disable invincibility, copy the following code: Runner.prototype.gameOver = original
Today, although not everyone is aware of it yet, the success of this game is no longer in doubt, so much so that the creators had to find a way to deactivate it. An anecdote shared once again by Edward Jung: "We also got to the point where we had to give company administrators a way to turn off the game because schoolchildren, and even adults who were supposed to be working, s 'are really put there.' Google is our friend, even when it comes to playing video games.
Steps to install this widget on iOS
Here are the steps to try it today:
- To activate it, go to the Chrome Canary app, available on Play Store.
- In the search bar, type “chrome://flags”. This allows you to access experimental Chrome Canary features.
- There, look for “Quick Action Search Widget”, open the drop-down menu and click “Enabled”.
- Then go to the Widgets menu on your phone. Look for those associated with Chrome Canary.
- Three Widgets are offered to you. The third is the one that interests us.
- And that's it, you're ready to take advantage of the widget's shortcuts when it's really ready. Currently, the feature is not yet available in the stable version, so it could take a little time. As a reminder, it is already possible to create shortcuts on your home page with most browsers.
Do you know how to count to 9? Perfect. Complete rows and columns and squares? Great. Now
solve sudoku. This puzzle consists of filling a grid of 9 by 9 boxes, with numbers going from 1 to... 9. The difficulty is that a number cannot be repeated twice in a line, a column, or a block of 3 by 3. Child’s play? Not really, or your child is very, very gifted.