Can I style an afro human hair wig with heat tools?

  • Daisy Elizabeth

    Daisy Elizabeth

    46 posts - May 10

    Styling afro human hair wigs with heat tools can be done but requires caution and care to avoid damaging the wig fibers. Human hair wigs, including those with an afro texture, generally tolerate heat styling better than synthetic wigs. However, excessive heat can still make hair dry, brittle and prone to breakage over time.
    Before styling, it is essential to ensure that the wig is made of 100% human hair and not a blend with synthetic fibers, Once confirmed, follow these steps to safely style your afro human hair wigs with heat tools:
    1. Heat Protection-Apply a heat protection spray or serum to your hair. This helps create a barrier between heat styling tools and the hair shaft, reducing the risk of damage.
    2. Sections of hair- Divide the wig into small sections using hairpins or bobby pins. This makes it easier to manage and ensures that each section receives an even distribution of heat.
    3. Style With Care- Whether you use a flat iron, curling iron or hot comb, work on small sections of hair at a time. Gently slide or wrap the hair around the heat tool, avoiding excessive pressure or prolonged exposure to heat.
    4. Cool- Allow the treated sections to cool completely before handling or handling the wig any further. This helps set the style and minimizes the risk of heat damage.
    5. Final Touches- Once the entire wig is styled, you can gently fluff or style the Afro curls with your fingers or a comb to achieve the desired look.
    To extend the life of your afro wig, remember to avoid excessive heat styling. Additionally, deep conditioning treatments and regular hydration can help keep hair healthy and hydrated, minimizing the risk of heat damage.