المنتدى » خارج الموضوع » مناقشات خارج الموضوع » TonCoin Staking: How to get started and what to expect?

TonCoin Staking: How to get started and what to expect?

  • On the xBanking website, you will find useful information about TonCoin staking. This process allows you to earn money from storing coins and maintaining your network. Find out what the conditions for staking are, what rewards are available, and how long you need to freeze your funds. Check here to learn more: xbanking.org
      ١٣ يوليو، ٢٠٢٤ ١٢:٤٠:٢٧ م MDT
  • I recently started getting interested in cryptocurrencies and heard about TonCoin. I want to understand how the process of staking this coin works. What are the conditions for staking, what kind of returns can I expect and how long to freeze funds?
      ١٣ يوليو، ٢٠٢٤ ١٢:٣٨:١٧ م MDT