Trading variety recommended today is: EUR/USD (up: 7 days, overnight change: 0.56%, fluctuation: 0.81%)
The correlation coefficient of EUR/USD and EUR/JPY reaches 0.97 during this period, and below are some trading tips for investors.To get more news about
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u Hedging: when buying one 1 standard lot of long/short position EUR/USD, hedge with 1 standard lot of EUR/JPY in the opposite direction.
u Portfolio diversification: When investing in EUR/USD, avoid the high-correlation varieties and invest in other forex varieties less relevant to EUR/USD.
u Risk distribution: when buying one 1 standard lot of long/short position EUR/USD, couple with 1 standard lot of EUR/JPY in the same direction.
u Today’s special reminder for investors: Eurozone service industry PMI final reading will be released at 16:00, Eurozone’s April monthly retail sales at 17:00, and the main refinancing rate of the European Central Bank to June 4 released at 19:45.
From WikiFX, a world-renowned forex trading inquiry service provider. For more information, please download:
WikiFX News (5 June)-The European Central Bank released the latest monetary policy decision yesterday, and EUR/USD rose significantly while the ECB Chair Lagarde was still speaking.
ECB Commissions latest decisions include increasing the Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme (PEPP) by 600 billion euros to 1.35 trillion euros. Net purchase under this programme will be extended to at least the end of June, 2021. The principal payments from maturing securities under the scheme will continue to be reinvested until at least the end of 2022.
The ECBs projection for EUR/USD rate is 1.09 in 2020 and 1.08 in 2021-2022.
EUR/USD shortly spiked 67 pips after the decisions were released and then slightly dropped back. Later it grew again during Lagardes speech at the press conference.
From WikiFX, a world-renowned forex trading inquiry service provider. For more information, please download: