The segment maple leaf becomes a red fruit fruit to get up a while, just his body is subjected to protection of the mysterious energy, temporarily haven't received injury.Then the Yan fly and then discover that the sign that a maple leaf carried on the back the last flash across a burst of ray of light, appeared a mysterious pole on the segment maple leaf back records.This mysterious sign after recording present starts wriggling, the good elephant living creature is similar very uncanny.
Be just a maple leaf basically don't know occurrence's different elephant on the oneself's back, understand in his heart, oneself is placed in a life and death edge now and a little bit hold up will be roasted dead by the heat for a while.Hence he wildly roars a , quickly inflate on muscle of body, became a two meters high giant a while.Segment maple leaf nearby of temperature at least above 200 degrees, and the temperature is increasing upward by the quickest speed, but this heat can not bring material injury to the body of segment maple leaf inflation empress.
Muscle Ji knot of segment maple leaf indeed as expected the strength greatly increase, he the layer after layer one punch shot beat on metal front door, incredibly for a while beat the metal front door of front smash
plantation shutters, then he 1 accelerate, the body once wore that metal front door and waited until after leaving the scope of metal front door, segment maple leaf nearby of the temperature resumed as usual.
In the most dangerous time, the segment maple leaf finally left the oven of that heat.Just although he safely escapes from danger, distress excrescent.The segment of now the maple leaf whole body is naked, the all of hair are burned down, the whole skin Fei is red and be roasted a familiar roast pig.Just let the Yan fly oddness of BE, segment maple leaf an escape from danger, he after death of the sign of the mysterious pole record and then disappear to disappear, good elephant root nonexistent similar.
Segment maple leaf's paying huge price just escape from heat oven and cut up rough in his heart, is to relieve wild mode first, resume own true body figure, then loudly shout a way:"The Yan flies, I know that what you listenned to sees my words.I tell you now, I have already got angry, very very angry, so I will make you know to ask for the end of an absolute being class superior of Nu is what."
Finish saying, segment the dangerous felling that the maple leaf also ignores an in the mind to still exist, but quickly start, the facing passage end runs over there.After the segment maple leaf brokes off the second metal front door, the front indeed as expected had no new metal front door to block road, this makes him able to quickly pass this dangerous layer after layer passage.
In place ahead of in the passage, the Yan flew to originally still design some other traps, but because moving of segment maple leaf the speed was really too quick, the Yan flew of the trap hasn't started drive segment maple leaf cross, so those traps are completely out of order.The segment maple leaf quickly rushes, just an effort for winking, he crossed endless underground passage and arrived at a passage end.
Tie up a metal front door of maple leaf to belong to the same material before passage end still has a metal front door and looks and.Segment maple leaf one punch the shot beat on metal front door, discover metal front door being hard can not Cui, indeed as expected and previous of the front door is hard.However the segment maple leaf basically doesn't put this metal front door in the eye, as long as here don't have other traps, he brokes off this metal front door will very easy.
Segment maple leaf now full chamber fury, his knowing , in this metal front door behind, must be the Yan for hiding to fly.As long as grasping Yan to fly, after forcing Yan to fly to hand in dreamlike island and high technology, the Yan flew and then died to settle.After suffering a los in a row, in order to provoke to anger, segment maple leaf greatly the bigotry in the heart starts gaining an advantage and finally makes a firm decision shot to kill Yan to fly.
When the segment maple leaf wants to broke off the metal front door of end, suddenly felling nearby of the air become thin and diluted, and the temperature sharply descends.Originally the Yan flies to see a maple leaf thus violent, after crossing own other traps, immediately started the defense means of end, one is an extreme low temperature, another one is a complete vacuum.
The segment maple leaf cans transfer the mysterious energy of the external world and almost cans be said to be cold hot not to invade, but also has a limit, once more than this limit heat or low temperature, similar can let a maple leaf suffer from injury.So after discovering that oneself will soon be placed in complete vacuum and extremely strict cold status, the segment maple leaf also realized dangerous, start malicious shot beating anterior metal front door.At his devote major efforts the shot beat under, metal front door appeared to transform, as long as knock several bottoms again the meeting be been ground by the shot.
This time, the temperature in the passage has already quickly descended to 10 degrees below freezing point, but inside of the air be almost taken out stem by all of the exhaust fan, will soon become vacuum.The segment maple leaf doesn't sway and just attackstones metal front door.Along with segment maple leaf malicious malicious one shot, the metal front door of the front is finally ruined by the shot.
Once metal front door be ruined by the shot, the low temperature and the vacuum of the passage inside status immediately stops, and slowly resume normal status.But when segment the maple leaf see a circumstance in metal front door behind, but a bit stunned.Because the inside isn't in his imagination of grasping and catching the room that the Yan flies, but is whole of rock.
The segment maple leaf stretched hand to go out to sound out for a while, discovering these rocks was real solid rocks.And they are very strong and tough, very difficult be destroyed, complete similar to the rock in the passage.Then segment maple leaf Meng turn, the end of passage incredibly isn't his/her own target, but a dead end.So the Yan flies of commanding center is where exactly?Is an underground here 100 meters are deep, even if did he know that the Yan flies the directions of place,does he want to dig a hole seek Yan to fly?
The Yan flies while helping Yang Qi to design underground laboratory, passes by to again and again push to play and drew up a perfect defense plan.The segment maple leaf just got into here of that white elevator inside, installed to have 1 set to automatically identify system, once getting into the person in the elevator didn't pass identifying of system, will be seen as the invader.Then the automatic elevator will deviate to drive route as usual, will invade to send to the passage that spreads all over trap in.
Although this passage looks is the appearance that leads to correct room,actually is a dead beard together, and in spread all over power strong trap.As long as the invader gets into this death passage, basically is not likely to escape to go out.Just have never thought to get into this time inside of is an absolute being class superior, so even if the Yan flies all organizations of starting the inside, all can not thoroughly the shot kill a maple leaf, even can not obstruct a maple leaf headway.
Segment maple leaf drive surprised get gape, have never thought oneself's fee exert the all sorts of hardship is before incredibly a dead end after getting into here.Then he realizes that he fell into trap, but the dangerous felling in his heart more and more strong, hence he 1 turn round, will the facing come in of the direction send back.But at this time, the segment maple leaf realizes the passage of top of head is a burst of to flutter, in his heart one earthquake, haven't come yet and the shot is ground behind the metal front door that blocks road, a huge explosion suddenly occurrence, passage the rock occurrence on all sides explosion, then the whole passage collapses to fall down, segment the maple leaf presses under the megalith.
This passage is the Yan flies to prepare of ultimate end kill to recruit, be for dealing with a super superior who intrude into the laboratory.So even if the super superior once hides all trap attacks, but end as long as the shot ruins that metal front door, will start passage in bury of super explosive, make use of super explosive explosion to demolish the whole passage, cover up invader under the underground.
The rock of dreamlike island is very strong and tough, and piece the head is huge, once being pressed deep underground at 100 meters under, affirmation will suffer to drown of disaster, can not flee for life.However this just deals with the superior of inborn state useful, that maple leaf is the absolute being class that outstrips human body physique extreme limit superior, the nature isn't in this row.
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