Granite Male Enhancement as to hold the the hollow core up otherwise if you use other materials with just pure collagen or fibrin then manufacturing technique and this one is called layer by layer NAB lamination so one of the disadvantages of of the previous approach and extrusion based approach is that if you want to print with valuable materials suppose you have primary cells for existence or you have a very expensive you seem like material and so on it's difficult to do that because there's some wastage inherently involved in the syringe and the tubes connection and so on and so forth so she wanted to create a completely different method where you can use expensive materials and still create this kind of inherent vascular Network type perfusion channels and the idea was to use layers to cast materials in the form of layers with with these with these grooves serving our patterns of grooves serving as sort of vascular interconnections and then to use adhesives in order to attach these layers on to each other so that you can then build