You can part a 4x4 lace closure anywhere within its 4x4 lace area. A 4x4 lace closure is a hairpiece with a base that measures four inches by four inches. It is often placed at the front or crown of the head to make a natural hairline. The lace lets you part your hair in many ways, like a middle part, side part, or zigzag part. But you can't part beyond the 4x4 space because the rest of the wig or weave is attached to solid tracks or a cap.

The good thing about a 4x4 lace closure is that it makes the scalp look natural when it is parted. It makes it seem like the hair grows right from your scalp. This is nice for people who want flexible styles but don't want a full lace wig. But with a 4x4 closure, you have less space to part compared to a 5x5 or 6x6 closure.
For best results, pluck some hair at the parting spot to make it look more real. You can also use makeup like concealer or foundation on the lace to blend it with your scalp. If you want more parting space, think about getting a frontal instead.
To sum up, you can part a 4x4 lace closure anywhere within its lace area, but you are limited to that 4x4 space for parting options.