Conventional uses of 80mm thermal paperAs we all know,
80mm thermal paper at BuyRolls, is the most widely used measure of thermal paper today in the vast majority of businesses, due to the versatility of the rolls and the duration between changes.
The 80mm thermal ticket is used, for example, in the Epson TM-T20 thermal printer and the like, and although they are printers that hold rolls of up to 80 × 80, many users still use smaller diameter thermal paper. Due to the ignorance of its possibilities, a large number of customers purchase 80 × 60 thermal paper rolls (which at the time was one of the most used standards), but the renewal of thermal printing terminals has been increasing and today by Today more than 90% of 80mm thermal paper printers can use 80mm diameter rolls.
Due to the practicality provided by a width of 80 millimeters in printing simplified invoices on receipt, customers can obtain more information on each purchase, as well as logos of the brand or the store, warranty conditions, personalized ticket on the back, and a multitude of uses that the same user will discover over time.
The introduction into the market of 80mm thermal paper has been gradual, since in previous times most businesses had been using conventional paper rolls for 74-millimeter impact printers, with a higher weight and a matte consistency, but the demands of the market and technological advances have made 80mm thermal paper the preferred measure for almost all users of conventional POS terminals.
The rest of the users of cash registers or scales and weights, normally continue to use 57-millimeter thermal paper, but this is due to the characteristics of each machine and the space (usually quite small) they have for storing paper rolls.
If you do not know if your printer supports 80mm thermal paper rolls, you can take a look on our website to see compatible models, or contact us directly in our mail. In addition, if you prefer, we can call you totally free of charge and advise you when deciding which thermal paper best suits your needs.
Ce message a été édité par Will Ding at 4 mai 2021 01:34:54 MDT