The Associated Press reported
168SLOTXO that the Chinese government is rushing to distribute the COVID-19 vaccine. Made in china The vaccine's success rate or effectiveness has not been disclosed by Chinese health officials. And how to deliver those vaccines to 1.4 billion people nationwide.
The AP reports that more than 1 million Chinese health workers have received the COVID-19 vaccine. Under test Under approval for use as an emergency But there are still no reports of side effects.
Meanwhile, on Saturday Russia begins a program to distribute COVID-19 vaccine Made in Russia The vaccine, Sputnik V, is given to those at risk of COVID-19. Most are the first Including health workers and teachers
The Sputnik V vaccine was approved in August. Although it has been heavily criticized by Western countries that much of the human testing data has not been released.
Earlier on Friday Bahrain becomes the second country after Britain to approve the COVID-19 vaccine. Of Pfizer-Bio-Entech (Pfizer-BioNTech) is an emergency.
The vaccine, however, must be stored under extremely cold temperatures of -70 degrees Celsius, while Bahrain has an average yearly hot temperature of 40 degrees Celsius. Pfizer-Biotech vaccine storage and distribution It is therefore a major challenge for Bahrain.
Earlier, some 6,000 people in Bahrain had been vaccinated for the Chinese novel coronavirus, developed from dead coronavirus remains.
Bahrain has now accumulated nearly 88,000 people with nearly 350 deaths, while more than 1.5 million have accumulated worldwide, according to the University of Johns Hopkins.
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