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"Sapling" If you
slotxosay this, many people may be confused. What does that mean? What kind of vegetables? A seedling is a seedling of a wide variety of vegetables, which are plants with many nutrients that are good for the body. Until wanting everyone to try and eat together
What are the health benefits of young plants?
Sprouts or green beans
Bean sprouts, big head or soybeans
Sunflower seedling
Wheatgrass or Wheatgrass
Cabbage or radish
Meow or bean sprouts
Germinated broccoli
Red radish
Seedling kale
Why is a sapling useful? And popularly taken and eaten together?
A sapling is a phase where the plant is full of nutrients and energy for ready growth, so when we take it, it results in good health.
Sapling benefits
It's a good source of protein There are amino acids that the body is ready to absorb and use.
Plant protein helps to control weight. And high in fiber, Low carb makes it a good choice for people who want to lose weight.
It reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease better than animal protein.
Loaded with antioxidants, especially Brussels sprouts and Kale sprouts, they are high in antioxidants and anti-cancer compounds, Glucosinolates and Phenolics.
Beware of raw seedlings
Bean sprouts can be eaten both raw and cooked. But if you're eating raw, beware of bacterial contamination in food poisoning. Due to the moisture and nutrients contained in the sapling, the seedling is favored by various bacteria, it must be thoroughly washed. Or cooked through heat is safer
Young plants in Thailand are inexpensive and provide the same health benefits.
Compared to packaged nutrients, Thai sprouts are relatively inexpensive. But a guava sapling can be a little expensive and hard to find. For those with agricultural skills, it is recommended that you can easily buy seeds to grow by yourself and do not need a large crop area. And can also be confident in cleanliness as well
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