World of Warcraft Classic's Wednesday Stress Test to Allow All Subscribers
If you're one of the many waiting in the wings for World of Warcraft Classic, you may be happy to find that anyone subscribed to the game will be able to participate in this week's stress test.To get more news about
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Active subscribers will be able to download the WoW Classic client tomorrow to prepare for the open stress test starting on June 19 (this Wednesday) at 5 p.m. EDT/2 p.m. PDT, running until June 21. It's only three full days of playtime, but it's certainly better than nothing.
This stress test will be raising the level cap for testers up to Level 15, granting them a few talent points to play with and a wider net of quests to complete compared to the last test with its cap of Level 10.
In the official forum blue post from Blizzard Community Manager Kalvax, it's requested that testers play as much as possible during the first three hours of the test, though it will be completely available for 48 hours over the testing period.Players will be able to run some classic instances during this test, the dungeons available being Deadmines, Ragefire Chasm, and Wailing Caverns — all instances some Vanilla players have spent a little too much time in, but certainly important parts of the testing experience. PvP battleground Warsong Gulch will also be available.
So rev up those subs and get ready to whap that download button tomorrow afternoon or evening as the Classic client becomes available to subscribers, and be ready for the stress test launch at 5 p.m. EDT/2 p.m. PDT on Wednesday. Hype! Full launch is only two months away, on August 26 in NA and August 27 worldwide.