Merely a handful of people who buy homes for the first ask for the sewers to be thoroughly checked before finalizing the deal with the seller. Getting a thorough checking of the sewers is not something that is on the top of the buyers' priority list. Rather it is an important piece of detail that is most often overlooked. People know all about inspecting but little or nothing about checking the sewer lines. Prudent buyers should however pay as much attention to the sewerage as they would to the electrical circuits inside the house.
Finding out whether the sewer lines are faulty or not, is necessary before purchasing a house and not after the deal is closed. Experts on residential properties advise their clients to get an inspection
Thông tắc cống Việt Xanh of the sewer done if the house is more than 20 years old. Although apparently it may seem that the lines are working fine, but sometimes tree roots that have extended underground tend to block them and cause trouble.