The amount of safety awareness in the mind determines the level of safety in real life. What children need to know is that you need to know more. Follow the Elevator Manufacturers to see how to take the elevator correctly.
- Tell the children that they are not allowed to enter or exit the elevator without the permission of their parents. Quickly enter and exit when you are on the ladder, make sure the door is always open and let the child go first.
- Don't let the children take the ladder alone is common sense, but if you are separated by the door, don't worry, immediately tell the children how to do it. It is best to agree with the child in advance.
- Don't just press the button next to the straight ladder, because you don't know the role of those buttons, once you press the wrong, you may bring a lot of trouble to yourself or others.
- Do not touch and pat the elevator door freely inside or outside the elevator to prevent the elevator door from opening inexplicably. Violent activities in the elevator should also be avoided, and running and jumping may cause the elevator to suddenly stop.
- Let the children remember the location of the emergency call.
- In the unlikely event that the elevator suddenly falls down, immediately press the button on all floors, and the elevator may be stuck on which floor. If there is a handle, please hold the handle with one hand to stabilize the center of gravity, while the entire back and The head is pressed against the inner wall of the elevator and the knee is bent to protect the spine and to withstand heavy pressure.