Children's rights and duties at home, school and society
The rights and duties of the child are considered a path of great controversy in all societies despite the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child at the United Nations in 1989, which is based on the support and protection of the child, and the provision of appropriate means of living for him, and the agreement emphasized something that adults often forget, which is that the child is a human being with all human rights .
His right should not be infringed or infringed simply because he cannot resist. The Convention affirmed the existence of equal rights for all children, regardless of age, gender, religion, tendencies and interests. The need to help the child fulfill his responsibilities was also emphasized, as he has the right to education.
تحضير فيزياء ثانويBut it is his duty to attend school, and treatment is his right, but it is his responsibility to listen to the directions of adults in what harms his health, and it is obvious that the greater the rights of the child, the greater his responsibilities as well, just like the adult human being, there should be no responsibility without rights, and no rights from without responsibilities.
The most important rights of the child
Children often cannot protect their rights, so parents and society must protect these rights. The child must be protected from physical violence, persecution, injustice, neglect and abuse, or sexual abuse.
Or anything that threatens his life, and society must provide a supportive environment for building the child and developing his skills. The most important rights of the child are:
1. Preventing unfair treatment:
The rights and duties of the child are equal in all societies and at all times. No child may be treated worse than others because of gender, religion, ethnicity, health or mental condition or anything.
تحضير مادة الكيمياء