Unapplied cash payment income may appear when you produce a Profit and Loss report using the cash method. QuickBooks creates this account to ensure accurate tax reporting.
- If a customer prepaid you and you recorded the payment before creating the sales form, QuickBooks Unapplied Cash Payment Income may display on your report (invoice or sales receipt).
- Payments were entered without being matched to sales forms.
The steps below will assist you in resolving QuickBooks Unapplied Cash Payment Income on your Profit and Loss statement.
1step: Execute the Open Invoices report.
To run the open invoices report, do the following:
- Navigate to Reports.
- Enter Open Invoices in the Find report by name field.
- Set the report period, then click the Run report button.
- Locate a Payment transaction in the Transaction Type column.
If the Payment transaction matches to an open invoice, go to Step 2. If you don't see a corresponding open invoice, skip to Step 3.
Step 2: Check to see if the Payment transaction corresponds to an open invoice.
If the payment matches an open invoice, proceed as follows.
- To open, select the Payment date.
- Check the open invoice under Outstanding Transactions.
- Choose Save and close.
Step 3: If the Payment transaction does not correspond to an open invoice
If the payment does not correspond to an open invoice, you must create the transaction. Take the following steps:
- Select + New.
- Select Invoice under Customers.
- Fill out the form using the same customer, amount, and payment date as the payment.
- Choose Save and Close.
- Return to the report of Open Invoices.
- Locate the unapplied payment, then choose the date to open.
- Check the open invoice under Outstanding Transactions.
- Choose Save and Close.
- Check your Open Invoices report to see if there are any more Payment transactions. If there are more than one, repeat step 2 for each one.
Now, rerun your Profit and Loss report. The Unapplied cash payment income should no longer be visible.