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This seemingly innocuous little spring has, in fact, caused quite a stir among our Bigsby vibrato-owning customers. Described by some as a "game changer", and others as "the solution to all your Bigsby problems", fitting the Reverend Soft Touch Spring to your Bigsby unit will make everything that little bit smoother and more stable, like its been nicely broken in over a period of decades. Reverend guitars pioneered the soft touch spring for use on their own Bigsby-equipped instruments, and it proved such a success that both Reverend customers retrofitting Bigsbys, and even non-Reverend players have started fitting them. A revelation - you won't know what you're missing until you've tried it!Get more news about Touch Spring,you can vist our website!
It’s squishy. It feels like it’s been broken - in for decades. It’s a custom, low tension spring for easier and smoother action — a real game changer! Drop in replacement for all Bigsby tremolos.
19mm Diameter & 28mm Length. (No other heights or plating options are available for this spring)
The Bigsby design ha d n’t been changed almost since it was introduced. In the 1950 ' s , heavy string gauges were used and any vibrato applied was very gentle compared to today. The heavy spring that ships with Bigsby vibratos was designed for the 1950s. The light strings and more aggressive playing styles of today really need a lighter spring and that is exactly what the Reverend spring is.
Professional installation is strongly recommended. Improper installation may result in damage to the product and/or instrument.