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    From the Marine Corps to the Boy Scouts, first aid kits have long been a must-have piece of gear for the adventurous type. As time progressed, it turned out that everyone benefits from having a first aid kit. Everyone and I mean everyone, should have a first aid kit of some sort. Many companies believe that and now more than ever, we have tons of options for pre-made medical kits and medical gear on the market. You no longer have to be a spec-ops commando to have a high-quality kit full of life-saving gear. To get more news about combat gauze, you can visit official website.

    Do you carry a gun? Well, if you carry a gun, then I shouldn’t have to explain why you need a medical kit. I would even say a medical kit is more valuable to have than a gun in the vast majority of situations. You’ll utilize a firearm in a self-defense encounter, but you can use a first aid kit in a wide variety of emergency situations or even day-to-day life.

    Car accidents, accidental burns, scrapes, lacerations, and even bug bites can be treated with a first aid kit. In many situations, these first aid kits can save lives. Personally, I’ve been lucky enough that I’ve only ever drawn my concealed carry once for self-defense purposes and the situation ended without a shot fired.

    I’ve used a first aid kit almost a dozen times now from incidents both big and small, often caused by my own stupidity. I’ve hit myself in the leg with an axe, I’ve got a fishing hook stuck deep into my thumb, and cut myself more than once doing some task involving a knife.

    In almost every situation, I was nowhere near any kind of formal medical vehicle. My first aid kit helped stop the bleeding, cleaned the wounds, and bandaged them up for care later down the road. Without my first aid kit, I’d be bleeding all the way to the hospital or the first sign of civilization.
    Having a first aid kit is important, and for most small scrapes, cuts, and burns, you’ll be happy to have it. However, for more traumatic injuries, you need more than a kit. You are going to need some form of training. It’s just like having a gun. To be truly prepared, you need some training and practice.

    You don’t need to be a Doctor, a Nurse, or an E.M.T. to know how to use a first aid kit, but training and preparation are invaluable.

    There are dedicated training outfits like Dark Angel Medical that provide high-level training on the use of medicine in tactical scenarios, and that’s an outstanding route to take. Besides high-level training, a basic first aid class offered by the Red Cross is a great place to start. Stop the Bleed classes are often free and hosted by local hospitals and fire stations.

    Don’t forget to learn C.P.R. on top of stopping the bleed. Again, you can take a C.P.R. class at several locations, and they are often free or extremely affordable. It’s well worth the investment of a few hours and a few dollars.

    Also, lots of medical manuals from the United States military are free online and offer you a ton of information. It’s not enough to consider yourself trained but can get you thinking differently and provide a good basis of knowledge.

      August 25, 2022 8:29 PM MDT