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Insert the Image in your presentation

  • Student life is not that much easy student faces so much struggle in everything the first they don’t earn The second is They have to study really hard to become a successful 3rd is there always dependent upon their guardian and parents Thirdly they are always dependent upon their parents and guardians this is kind of also the struggle in itself.

    Today we have come up with a very trending topic that would helpful for every student.

    Today’s this article would be so much helpful for the students in there presentations And assignment work so that they would not face any problem regarding in their studies or any activity related to PDF. As PDF is a new generation study material for the students there is a very vital need of PDF editor in their lives. and today we will introduce you guys all to the very advanced features in new generation PDF editor which will solve your any problem in complication where you are facing next related to PDF.

    Why it is need of PDF editor in students life?

     The so many reasons that why PDF editor is making so much  importance in the life of student because of the following reasons –

    • Professional like results – the student life the students have to make so many projects assignments and presentations throughout their studies and academics and PDF editor please a very vital role in it because it gives so many editing features to make their PDF more attractive and more professional as they wanted.
    • security of data – with the help of good PDF editor like A1Office PDF editor will give you a security of your daughter that you will edit and put it  in the PDF editor to make it more presentable. Student start have to worried of stealing there project assignments for anything that they are uploading because they can also put the password security and password encryption to their pdf editor files documents  To save their documents from any kind of cheating.
    • budget friendly-  PDF editors like A1Office PDF editor is absolutely free for everyone because the major users of the PDF editors are also students and they are no much having any income source and are dependent upon their parents or guardians for they use also this PDF editor solve their problem of expensive PDF editor.
    • Easy editing for an effective results - ,A1Office PDF editor Is inbuilt with so many new advanced and easy effective features in it. It gives you so much effective PDF editor editing advanced features that will help you to edit your PDF like professionals and make it more official in nature that you have to present it in front of so many teachers and respectable people.
    • 100% academic result surety – If you have a good PDF editor like A1Office PDF editor which is a game changer PDF editor among any PDF editor that launch in the market everyday you will get 100% result out of it if you will use it because it is so much quick and effective and gives you very efficient results like that you are a professional in editing PDF.


    The following are the steps in which you will know how to insert the image in your presentation PDF in your Android smartphone because most of the people and students use Android smart phones in India.


    Insert the image in your presentation PDF by using an application of A1 Office PDF editor for Android smartphone

    Steps to insert image 2 presentation in pdf on Android device  by using A1 office pdf editor-

    1. Reach to the Google Playstore and download A1Office PDF Text Editor App.
    2. Reach the App to upload your as wanted PDF that you may want to insert an image into.
    3. As when the  PDF opens, select the ‘image’ option from the tools menu at the bottom.
    4. select and choose the image from your  gallery.
    5. select, reposition and place the image at the place.
    6. Download the pdf and share it with your teachers and your friends if you are a team mates.


    It’s okay guys if you don’t have and Android phone and you are the user of iPhone  user then we have also an alternate for you to edit your PDF and insert an image in it by following the steps that are given below and it will make your PDF and insert your desired pictures or images in your PDF while making them more attractive to the user in just seconds.

    Steps to insert the image to your presentation pdf with A1office pdf editor online in your Iphone.

    1. Reach to the website, select the option PDF Editor.
    2. Select upload pdf or drag & drop to keep  your pdf file to be edited.
    3. Choose the ‘image’ option from the tools menu.
    4. Search and choose your image to be edited and inserted.
    5. Resize and reposition to location the image.
    6. Select download to save the Image or picture inserted and edited pdf document.


    Conclusion  -  PDF editor plays a very essential role in today's student studies and activity work by making their life a lot more easier with it.  A1Office PDF editor is one of the PDF editor which will make the students life a lot more easier and happier because they will get the 100% grades that they have deserved while making the best presentations that are given by  by their teachers when they will use it.

     This amazing PDF editor will change your life in so many ways that you don’t have to be dependent upon anything because this is absolutely free and you don’t have to pay anything for it because we have made this PDF editor in keep in mind that students have not so much pocket money available for them and they have to do there very effective and have to put so much efforts to make it more professional like and this PDF editor will make their work 100% like that they wanted to make it.


      October 19, 2022 4:45 AM MDT