Are you guys buying the lotto? Are you excited about the lotto results today? There's a saying that you may have a better chance of getting hit by a shooting star than winning the lottery, but the lure of winning the jackpot is irresistible. After all, what's the harm in spending a few bucks when the lottery can completely change your life? More than you might think. Here are some lottery secrets you really should know.
The Plunder of the Poor
Countries have lottery plans because they think it's a harmless way to make money. According to reports, citizens of the Philippines spend up to 70 billion pesos on lotteries. This exceeds all other forms of entertainment. This means that Filipinos basically spend more money on lotteries than they do on living expenses. However, this spending is not evenly distributed among all classes. Experts have found that Lotto sales are highest in the poorest cities." Among cities with poverty rates above 20 percent, 18 cities show lottery revenues that are several times higher than the average per adult in the Philippines." In other words, the more poor people are, the more likely they are to spend more money on the Lotto, because it represents a symbol of freedom from poverty. That's why I'm here to tell you that you should look at winning the lottery rationally. Be prepared to bet when you have extra money on hand. For Lotto results, please visit the Nustabet website.