Opening a company cleaning company is a good secondary source of income. Lots of people are receiving laid off today, you could be among them. It will be comforting to understand you have a business to aid you in case that happens. Many companies lay off employees to lessen costs but even though these companies let workers go, they still need people to complete certain tasks like getting any office cleaned.
Businesses let employees go, including janitors, to save on spending money on full-time employees. Full-time workers need to be given monthly wages, benefits, and health
Office cleaning. Some smart companies are thinking they could still get things done without employing full-time workers. They hire consultants or services on a per-need basis. You may make the most of that gap and fill in the cleaning needs if you had your own personal office cleaning company.
If you got laid off, that same company that allow you to go could be your 1st client. You already got your foot in the entranceway when you used to work with those people. That's one sure client in your roster. Try to do a good job which means your first client can also recommend one to other companies. It is quite common for companies to generally share info like would you their cleaning or where they get their office equipment.
Perform a thorough background check on applicants. Theft is really a number 1 issue among companies that hire cleaning services. Make certain that your workers do have no criminal records. You can't have a worker who steals because nearly all of work will undoubtedly be done during non-office hours when no-one is going to be at the offices. Several things could be stolen like important documents, office supplies, and equipment.