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Giants Marshall ends interview with Bost

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      17 de septiembre de 2024, 10:21:51 MDT
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    plays for the , and on Thursday morning, he made an appearance on WEEI, a Boston sports radio station that is a big fan of the . The interview didn't go well. It ended with Marshall walking off the set after the hosts asked him questions he thought were out of line.Marshall and the hosts, Kirk Minihane and Gerry Callahan, were discu sing the Nick Holden Women Jersey , which led to a discu sion about the Jets' best quarterback (Marshall stuck up for his former Bears teammate, ), which led to a discu sion about , which led to a question about , which had been lifted."There are a lot of players out there that believe that white players -- specifically, at the quarterback position -- are treated differently," Marshall said at the time on Showtime's "Inside the ."When Marshall was asked if thought black players were held to a different standard, he said, "Absolutely. At times, yes." Back to Thursday's interview. When Kirk and Callahan asked Marshall about that comment, Marshall said he didn't really remember. He said that he loves Brady and the Patriots. He even called Brady his "man crush."And then the conversation took on a different tone. but be Anthony Deangelo Kids Jersey warned that it features brief NSFW language. Below, I've transcribed a portion of the conversation:Marshall: "But there is, in sports, our stars get treated differently."Q: "Well, you said there's a different standard. You said that black athletes were held to a different standard."Marshall: "Whatever. I'm not getting into the race card with you guys. So, if that's what you guys want to do then you can go there. But black guys in America get treated differently -- period. So, I'll just say that."Q: "But you admit Brady was treated --"Marshall: "Black guys in America get treated differently."Q: "But do you think profe sional athletes get treated differently Wayne Gretzky Jersey ? When they hand suspensions, do they look at it and say, 'Well, this guy is black and this guy is white?'"Marshall: "Are we done with this interview? Can I get off this interview? Alright. I'm done with you guys."Q: "That's it? You're sure?"Marshall: "I'm positive."Q: "Why?"Marshall: "C'mon, man. You're going back to a year ago, brother. You guys made news. You got Brandon Marshall to say black guys get treated differently. I'm gonna drop the mic on you guys."The conversation didn't end there. It continued with the hosts arguing that it's a "fair conversation" because it's something Marshall said in the past. They told Marshall that they talk about Brady all the time."It's what we do," they told Marshall."Well, change the subject or I'm getting off and dropping the mic," Marshall replied.They began their next question by bringing up Marshall's legal history."Oh s-- Ryan Mcdonagh Jersey -," Marshall said, cutting them off. "Alright, man. I'm done with you guys. Bye."As he stood up to leave, Marshall accidentally spilled his coffee near/onto a laptop. He immediately apologized for spilling the coffee, moved the man's laptop, and asked if someone had a towel. Yes, it appeared to be an accident. Yes, it was just as awkward as it sounds.Then, he left.Marshall's legal history was the predominant narrative of his early career -- , which includes violent incidents -- and in 2011, Marshall discovered that He worked to turn his life around and that's exactly what he's done, avoiding legal i sues and suspensions since 2012. He also cofounded , which tries to end the stigma of mental health by raising awarene s and improving care for those who need it. In the proce s, Marshall -- formerly of Brian Leetch Men Jersey the , , , and Jets -- signed . Shortly after, when his contract runs its course."Two more years, get my , have a little bit more fun, and then I'm going to go change the world in the mental health space," Marshall .
      10 de abril de 2023, 3:15:20 MDT