Eat less but don't crash - This simply means that you
Cinderella Solution Review should not starve your body. Depriving your body of the food that it needs to fuel everything in it means that you are also depriving it of all the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that it needs to function properly. This is the least healthy thing to do and you are doing great damage to the body by crash dieting. What you need to do is reduce the amount of food that you eat with each meal. One way to do this is by cutting your meals into two and then having 6 meals a day instead of 3. You still need to make the servings small but this does not mean that you cannot eat what you want.
Exercise more - Looking for a way how to lose weight fast? Then you will need to increase the amount of exercise that you have each day. Walking and jogging just might not cut it anymore if you are looking for a quick fix. You may need to start biking and do other exercises like push-ups and sit-ups every day so that you can help burn the fat quickly. You can even consider taking up classes in Yoga and Pilates if you think this will help and only if you have the budget. The point is that you need to increase your physical activity in order to sweat more.
Eat more veggies and fruits - If you want to lose more weight, then you will need to eat more food that is less fatty. Make the big switch to more veggies and fruits in your diet. You will still need a little meat for the protein but only in small portions. Not doing this is tantamount to a useless diet and you not losing weight at all.