Following a vegan and vegetarian diet is an excellent way to
The Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Review lead a healthy and wholesome lifestyle. One of the challenges however is often your diet can be low in calcium, vitamin B and Iron. Not only that it's also a challenge to pack in all the nutrition proteins and amino acids, that eating meat would typically provide. The solution to these problems could lie in a small but powerful super food called Quinoa. Quinoa stands head and shoulders above other natural products in this category when it comes to its nutritional properties. Packed full of essential nutrients it's an ideal choice for those following a vegetarian and vegan diet.
Quinoa is an incredibly versatile natural product that makes really tasty, wholesome snacks alongside a wide variety of mealtime options for breakfast, lunch and dinner. A Quinoa diet could really make all the difference. Here are some of the basic Quinoa nutrition facts that could provide the answer for the dilemmas and difficulties facing a vegetarian and vegan diet; Protein - One of the reasons why Quinoa is so well suited for those following a vegetarian or vegan diet is that it is one of the only plant foods that contains all 9 essential amino acids that you crucially need, with each Quinoa seed providing you with an amazingly rich source of nutrition protein. Calcium - Quinoa contains 5 times more calcium than an animal protein. Iron - A staggering 9 times more iron than that found in a single serving of meat.
Today's modern diet is also causing an ever increasing strain on our resources. More land, fuel and water are needed to meet increasing demand from an ever growing population. Livestock production occupies 30% of the available land on Earth. The production process pollutes our water and air with chemicals and waste. This in turn contributes to global warming whilst degrading and eroding the land. So following a Quinoa diet provides the bedrock of essential nutrients your body needs and ensures you can shop and eat without compromising on your health or your values.