Meditation can eliminate pain and suffering caused
Flow State Training Program Review by the untamed mind. You can cultivate concentration and focus, develop intuition, increase confidence, improve memory, find natural stress relief, passion and joy. By regularly experiencing the meditative state, you can even alter your mental powers and emotional patterns, resulting in profoundly positive outcomes in life. Through the use of technology, western science has proven that meditation does in fact cause a permanent shift in brain wave patterns. Through the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines, there is evidence that meditation causes physical changes in the structure of the brain.
Specifically meditators have more gray matter in regions of the brain that are important for concentration, emotional stability, and mental flexibility. Gray matter typically makes that area of the brain more powerful and efficient at processing information. It is believed that meditation is like any other learned skill and can train your brain to perform well at specific given tasks. Take the skills of a professional tennis player. They can respond very quickly to the movement of their opponent and anticipate the movement of the tennis ball, enabling them to chase down and strike the tennis ball with great precision.
Their brains have acquired these abilities over time. They develop more neurological connections in the areas of the brain that can anticipate moving objects. Similarly, hard working college students develop structural changes in the areas of the brain important for memory. Learning to meditate is like learning other skills such as tennis, math and science. The practice of meditation trains the brain and strengthens connections between neurons and even makes new connections. Over time, these changes in millions and millions of neural connections permanently alter the structure of the brain.