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Dangerous male enhancement pills

  • Dangerous male enhancement pills

    Viagra obtained US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval in March of 1998 and the world of erectile dysfunction has never been the same. The sexual enhancement pills industry is huge and continues to grow, with Viagra making over $2 billion last year. Other PDE5 inhibitor medications such as Cialis and Levitra are also widely prescribed throughout the world.To get more news about vigrx oil, you can visit official website.

    #However, there is also a dubious industry of purported sexual enhancement pills that do not have FDA approval and are unregulated. These unregulated sex pills are potentially very dangerous to a man's health as they have not gone through rigorous testing, and the possible harmful health effects are numerous and very troubling. There is no data to support the safety or efficacy of these falsely advertised natural supplements.

    #A man should not trust a medication that he can buy from a cashier at the local gas station or hardware store, or over the internet. These medications are to be taken at one's own risk, but the average man has no idea what those potential negative health effects might be.

    #Rock Hard for Men pills were found in 2012 to contain counterfeit Cialis (tadalafil) and a diabetic drug that could prove deadly if misused. More than one dozen men died taking this drug in Asia in 2009.

    #In a Singapore study, more than three quarters of tested unregulated male enhancement pills contained chemicals that were not disclosed and more than half of the pills had doses of declared chemicals that were higher than recommended.

    #Earlier this year, the FDA issued specific warnings for multiple male unregulated sexual enhancements pills; some of which include the following:

    #• Stiff Nights

    #This supposed male sexual stimulant is marketed as a type of dietary supplement. The FDA has warned that these pills contain the chemical sulfoaidenafil which could dangerously lower a man's blood pressure and potentially have a deadly reaction with nitrate medications.
    Magic Power Coffee

    #This instant coffee product is not magical and is not 100 percent natural, as falsely advertised. It contains sulfoaidenafil and hydroxyhomosildenafil, which are chemicals very similar to those in Viagra. The product claims that horny goat weed and goji berries cause the extra mojo. The FDA has issued a strong warning against the use of this product.

    #• Mr Magic Male Enhancer from Don Wands

    #The FDA found this product to be far from magical and ordered that it no longer be made available as it contained the untested, dangerous chemicals sulfoaidenafil and hydroxyhomosildenafil.

    #• Duro Extend

    #This product had a complete recall by the FDA in December 2010, after it was determined that the marketed dietary supplement contained sulfoaidenafil, that is not a regulated chemical ingredient.

    #• Time Out Capsules

    #This product is marketed as being 100 percent natural but it also contains potentially dangerous sulfoaidenafil that could potentially cause sudden death in men taking nitrate medications.

    #• Vitalex

    #The founder of the company distributing Vitalex, Phu Tan Luong, is currently serving a prison sentence for Medicare fraud. This supposed all natural supplement contains acetildenafil, another untested rip-off of Viagra.

      August 3, 2023 12:17 AM MDT