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What is the best season to visit Dubai?

  • DRIFT Travel Magazine is ready today to tell us about the secrets of traveling in Dubai, as well as what time to choose for a vacation.

    The best time to travel to Dubai depends on your interests and what you want to experience. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a time to visit:

    Weather: Dubai has a hot desert climate, so the weather is warm year-round. The hottest months are May to September, when temperatures can reach up to 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit). If you're not a fan of the heat, you may want to avoid visiting during these months. The cooler months, from October to April, are a good time to visit if you want to enjoy milder weather.

    Events: Dubai hosts a number of major events throughout the year, such as the Dubai World Cup (horse racing), the Dubai International Film Festival, and the Dubai Shopping Festival. If you're interested in attending any of these events, you'll need to plan your trip accordingly.

    Peak season: Dubai is a popular tourist destination, so it can get crowded during peak season, which is from November to March. If you want to avoid the crowds, you may want to consider visiting during the shoulder seasons (April to May and September to October).

    Here are some specific recommendations for when to travel to Dubai, depending on your interests:

    If you want to experience the heat: Visit Dubai during the summer months (May to September). This is the best time to go if you want to experience the desert heat and enjoy water activities such as swimming, sunbathing, and water skiing.

    Dubai summer heat

    If you want to avoid the crowds: Visit Dubai during the shoulder seasons (April to May and September to October). The weather is still warm during these months, but there are fewer tourists.

    Dubai shoulder seasons

    If you're interested in events: Visit Dubai during the following months to attend major events:

    January: Dubai Shopping Festival

    Dubai Shopping Festival

    February: Dubai Desert Classic (golf tournament)

    Dubai Desert Classic

    March: Dubai International Film Festival

    Dubai International Film Festival

    April: Dubai World Cup (horse racing)

    Dubai World Cup

    If you want to experience a cooler climate: Visit Dubai during the winter months (November to March). The weather is mild during these months, making it a good time to visit if you're not a fan of the heat.

    Dubai winter climate

    Ultimately, the best time to travel to Dubai is up to you and your individual preferences. Consider the factors above when making your decision, and you're sure to have a great time in this amazing city no matter when you visit.

    Look for more details on the DRIFT Travel website
      August 14, 2023 7:03 AM MDT